Team ZR-1's Drivetrain Cooler Project

This cooler kit is by G.M parts performace

It can be used as a 6-speed trannie or rear end cooler

The kit cost about $800, plus you need 9 1/2 quarts of fluid for the C5 6-speed.

Kit weighs 23 pounds plus additional fuild weight.

Cooler itself is a Fluidyne and electric pump is made by Weldon Pump

Cooler is installed low and in front of the A/C condenser and pump is located behind wheel wheel on right rear.

Pump is controlled by a thermal switch mounted on outside of trannie and it has to be 190 degress before pump is functional

New update 4/25/01

In the first race the Rebel did this year using this cooler, it craped out and caused ATF to spurt out the trannie vent.

I sent the pump back to the maker, Weldon and they tested it and said

1. Should be pumping 35 GPH but was doing 22 GPH.

2. Wear shown in pump even though pump only had about 2 hours of total use.

3. They repaired it and sent it back to me

I then called someone deep with the Corvette group of G.M who works with their race program and was told they

found that this MN6 trannie spits out metal shavings and pump picks it up and kills it.
The newer G.M cooler pump now has a oil fllter. Also where they had the pump installed caused more flow resistance

Plus all the A/N fittings are 90 degree bends causing less flow.

I decided to re-design the pump location ( as seen below (compare to above images)) so not to have a gravity feed

and re-route the cooler lines to a lower height and further away from exhaust pipes from adding heat into the flud in those lines.

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